Michel T on July 25, 2016
Gravel Segment
From QC-132, Nouvelle, Avignon to QC-132, Cap-Chat, La Haute-Gaspésie, Quebec
Logging road, between Nouvelle and Cap-Chat. You'll need a pass-permit to drive through the ZEC Cap-Chat. (No permit needed if you are on a motorcycle and have a valid FQMHR pass) No cell. coverage, so plan accordingly.
28 overlapping segments.
108.24 miles
0 ft minimum
2,067 ft maximum
7,201 ft gain
7,254 ft loss

100% gravel

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 Guy Bouchard
on June 5, 2017
Bonjour Michel. J'aimerais communiquer avec toi concernant certains de tes parcours, principalement le Cap-Chat - Nouvelle. gbouchard8 at gmail dot com